You are here: Using Auxiliary Tools > Options > AutoSaving Files
ProModel automatically saves the open model every few minutes, which is useful in the event of unforeseen crashes and power outages. ProModel uses a model file called "AUTOSAVE.MOD" for all autosaves and only modifies the original file when Save is chosen from the File menu.
How to specify the amount of time between AutoSaves:
1. From the Tools menu, select Options.
2. In the Time between autosaves field, enter the time.
3. Click OK.
Please note
Models are always autosaved at the start of a simulation run. To deactivate the auto-save feature, set the time between auto-saves to 0.
How to specify the autosave directory:
1. From the Tools menu, select Options.
2. In the Auto-save field, enter the directory path you wish to use.
3. Click OK.